KOH Studios started as an escape from the pandemic. Our founder began shooting short serialized stories and posted them on TikTok. His short series “This is Not John” received more than 650K views, His second series received nearly 300K views. Since those beginnings, the Studios have taken on additional projects and has created three different divisions to handle these projects. KOH Pictures, KOH Online and KOH Games.

KOH Pictures is currently in the process of fundraising for the video production, “The Matter of Dreams.” The 30 minute project will be shot in the Fall of 2023.

KOH Online is the social media branch of the studio. Current projects include the YouTube show, “A Beer, A Pie, A Top Five” which begins filming on September 3rd. Also slated is the TikTok mini series, “Wicked Alone” to be shot this winter in January.

KOH Games is the board and PC gaming branch. Currently the board game Witheren: Dungeon of the Hidden Path is entering alpha and play testing. A gameplay video should drop by the first of October.

Future plans include another board game with the working title of “The Belt.” Several social media projects are also in the development stage. Visit Keepingoddhours.com often for the latest news.